Symphony New Brunswick Announces Board Appointments 

Symphony New Brunswick Inc. is pleased to announce the appointment of Eric Savoie of Saint John and Susan Lenard of Fredericton to the Board of Directors. Both Eric and Susan have a strong interest in developing and sustaining New Brunswick’s arts infrastructure.

Susan Lenard is an innovative leader from the private and public sectors who brings extensive experience in business and strategic planning; priority setting and implementation; and communications. Susan’s board experience includes: the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation;  M.O.R.E  (Organ Donation Ontario); and The Writers Trust of Canada.

Eric Savoie is a management consultant who will augment and strengthen the Symphony’s already strong financial management and planning skills. Eric has a track record for facilitating positive change experiences and mobilising strategy execution through human-centred change. He has experience across a wide range of policy domains, including sustainable development, health, human services, energy and the environment. Eric has a passion for giving back to community, investing his time, talent and treasure to Not-for-Profit's and causes that are near and dear to his heart.

“We are honored to welcome Susan and Eric to our board of directors to provide invaluable guidance to our organization,” says Reid Parker, President of Symphony NB, “Their skills complement those already provided by our other directors and will help us attain our vision for the Symphony.”

About Symphony New Brunswick 

SNB is a significant employer and a powerful economic driver, attracting people and companies to New Brunswick.  And the return on investment is strong: every dollar spent on art and culture yields multiple ones in spinoff economic activity. 

SNB operates the province's only full-scale, full-season professional symphony orchestra and Camerata New Brunswick, a 20-member professional chamber orchestra.  The Company also hosts the Saint John String Quartet; Ventus Machina, a professional woodwind quintet in Moncton; and Résonance, a chamber music group in Saint John.  Through high-quality educational offerings and performances, innovation and creativity, SNB promotes the awareness and appreciation of symphonic music in an increasingly diverse New Brunswick. 

40 Years of Symphony New Brunswick 

Symphony New Brunswick celebrates its fortieth season beginning this autumn.   From its first concerts in 1983-1984, the Symphony has grown steadily to become a fully professional orchestra offering concerts and educational services throughout New Brunswick.  With its dynamic Music Director, Mélanie Léonard, on the podium, the Symphony has attained a standard of artistic excellence that equals the best of any of Canada’s regional symphony orchestras.

Symphony New Brunswick Foundation

Symphony New Brunswick Foundation is a related but independent charity which provides stable financial support to the Symphony as it grows.  Among Canada’s 70 or so symphony orchestras, the Foundation provides the most significant support to its beneficiary.  The Foundation is embarking on another campaign to grow its assets to enlarge this base of annual support, details of which will be announced shortly.  The Foundation is eligible for annual matching grants from Canadian Heritage.   

Media Contact

For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact: 

Gillian Gresh

Director, Donor Relations

Symphony New Brunswick Inc.


Chart Toppers Program


Orchestral Powwow Program